Elio & Cristina Duarte Missionaries to the Indigenous Indians of Costa Rica
From Elio: My name is Elio Duarte Mena and I am 57 years old. Since I was born, I have been a resident of San Jose in the city of Moravia, Costa Rica. I was born in San Isidro del General. I am married to Cristina Ramirez. I want to tell everyone about the ministry to the Indigenous Nations that God has called me to. After finally accepting Christ, I realized I always had a calling to serve within myself. Now, I was a different person. I feel very passionate about what I do and I want to go far to serve the Lord until the day of his coming. But time is short and we must make the most of it. I hope that I can work full time. Knowing that time is short and souls in the mountains are unsaved, I want you to partner with me to reach them. Many Christians will do little (or nothing) and ignore God's command in the Great Commission. Brethren, as we would like someone to be saved and how will they hear without a preacher; about God for the many good things he did for them. Only God can fill the hearts and make a person better. When God separated me from the world, I met my wife Cristina which has been very important in the ministry that God gave me. Our indigenous ministry of Nations is a very broad ministry and I want to fulfill God’s plan of sending me to preach the Gospel to all indigenous communities in my country. With God's help and yours we will succeed. Join us in this ministry. You will be a gift from God by coming with your evangelistic missionary group. The Bible says to sow into good soil. The indigenous people of our country need us, brothers and sisters, if we are to win souls for the Lord. You or your church can help me achieve their salvation. Go with me to the mountains and streets. God is looking for brave men and women who are willing to take up his cross. We are ready - Are you? Please read these Biblical quotations: Matthew 28:19 – Matthew 9:37 – Romans 10:14 & 15 – Isaiah 58:7 & 8
From Cristina... My name is Cristina Ramìrez Porras, the wife of Elio. I am 49 years old. I received the Lord in September 2004. I'm so grateful to my Lord that He rescued me from falling into worldly things. I met Elio Duarte and he began tell me about the man who wanted me to repent. I began to read my bible and Elio explained to me the biblical passages. So, I started going to church after we were married. He and I had talked about the ministry that God had given him which is to help our Indian brothers and the homeless with food, clothing, etc… God also gave us the Word as many do not know anything about the Bible. We together, with our own resources and through finances and gifts which we get by asking people close to us, and knocking on doors, have tried to help others. Me and my husband are asking God to help open doors to work full time for the ministry. God bless you!