Impulse International Mission Trips was born out of a heart for missions across the world. In 2004, Founder and President Bill Hayes took his first mission trip to Costa Rica and Nicaragua to put a new roof on a church and to supply food for the poor. It changed his life. He came home and immediately involved his church in mission trips. Bill has pastored the Hillview Church for nearly 20 years and knows the need for everyone to be given the opportunity to hear the gospel.
Impulse has served in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Haiti, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic and is expanding to other Central and South American countries every year. Impulse facilitates medical, humanitarian, sports and evangelism trips for groups of all types and sizes.
Impulse is now partnering with Pastor Pablo Fernandez Abarca in the Perez Zeledon region (San Isidro). A seminary/Bible institute and Costa Rica satellite office is in the works. Impulse is also working with Ministry For Assistance to the Indigenous Indians (ministerio pro ayuda a indigenas de las nauones) in Buenos Aires, Costa Rica which is an organization begun by Elio Duarte Mena. |